Business Trainer I Coach I Consultant & Creator of the ACE©️ Business Growth Method
Emil and his business mindset transformation
Emil and his business mindset transformation

Emil and his business mindset transformation

In the world of entrepreneurship, nothing is more motivating than a true story. Today, I want to tell you about Emil, an inspired entrepreneur who managed to completely transform his construction business using the ACE© Business Growth Method. Emil had a construction company specializing in small and frequent jobs. Although he had skill and experience, seasonality seriously affected the availability of cash flow in the company.

While he struggled to get new customers, he often faced difficult times with a lack of work in certain months, especially months with many days off or those that traditionally include holidays. But Emil decided not to be defeated by the challenges of the market and to start applying the ACE© Method by which he tried several ideas, of which I mention the most “creative” one – I also couldn’t believe how successful he was brought!

I asked him to go to the next job with a minimum of 20 magnetic business cards with which, before starting work, to go to all the neighbors who would be affected by the noises that he and his team will make during of the day, asking them to contact him if the noise is too much. Thus, everyone in the 7 houses kept the business card, and of course, at a certain time they contacted him.

If I remember correctly the last one did it after two years! The jobs he received from them ranged from small repairs that kept him afloat to being the lead builder on a store project for the brother of one of the homeowners approached on that first job.

Now, Emil and his team, which has doubled in size in the last two years, uses this lead generation technique on EVERY job generating constant sales.

Since then, because we have been working together for 3 years, he has managed to position himself towards the space of real estate developers and builds on average between 5 / 7 houses per year. I mention this to see the growth from an ambitious small tradesman who, aided by a structure and a method created from experience, is now a real entrepreneur who has concrete results.

The plan for the second part of 2024 is to develop his leadership skills. If you are facing similar challenges or want to take your business to the next level,

If you find that it inspired you, drop me a line  and let’s discuss how we can transform your business.

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