Business Trainer I Coach I Consultant & Creator of the ACE©️ Business Growth Method
Procrastination in entrepreneurship
Procrastination in entrepreneurship

Procrastination in entrepreneurship

Procrastination is a common problem that affects many people including entrepreneurs.

What is procrastination? It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks, often resulting in missed deadlines and increased stress and the feeling of being ovwerwhelmed. And the focus of your mind is shifted to managing this feeling rather than managing the tasks, situations or conditions that created this. So we need to re-shift the focus from perception back to reality and with the below few simple strategies, you can beat procrastination and get things done.

  1. Set a specific and realistic deadline for yourself.
  2. Get organized. Keep your work area clean and organized, and create a to-do list to help you stay on top of your tasks.
  3. Break tasks into smaller chunks. Large tasks can seem overwhelming, making it easy to put them off. Break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and tackle them one by one.
  4. Use a timer. Set a timer for a specific amount of time, and work on the task until the timer goes off. This will help you focus and stay on track.
  5. Remove distractions. Identify and eliminate any distractions in your environment, such as social media notifications or background noise.
  6. Try the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes, take a short break, and repeat.
  7. Use the 2-minute rule, where if a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it right away.
  8. Use a to-do list, calendar, a planner or other reminder tools to keep track of your progress.
  9. Use positive self-talk. Instead of telling yourself that you’re lazy or that you can’t do something, remind yourself of your past successes and believe in your ability to succeed.
  10. Reward yourself. Give yourself a small reward for completing a task, such as a short break or a piece of candy. This will help motivate you to keep going.
  11. Hold yourself accountable by telling someone about your plans / deadlines – someone who can keep you accountable in a productive way.
  12. Seek help. If you’re struggling with procrastination, don’t hesitate to seek help from a coach or counselor. We can help you identify the underlying causes of your procrastination and develop strategies to overcome it.

Procrastination is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to control your life, your business or your productivity. By using these strategies, you can beat procrastination and get things done.

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