Business Trainer I Coach I Consultant & Creator of the ACE©️ Business Growth Method
Growth hack 1: Why hiring outside your comfort zone is essential for leadership and entrepreneurship
Growth hack 1: Why hiring outside your comfort zone is essential for leadership and entrepreneurship

Growth hack 1: Why hiring outside your comfort zone is essential for leadership and entrepreneurship

In the world of leading teams and running businesses, it’s easy to hire people who you like, who you resonate with and who you feel like they’d fit right in.

We’re drawn to those we naturally click with, assuming they’ll be easier to manage. But here’s the thing: sticking with what’s familiar can seriously stunt your team’s growth. When we limit ourselves to hiring within our comfort zones, we inadvertently restrict our teams from accessing a diverse range of perspectives, thought patterns, and views crucial for innovation and progress. The real catalyst for innovation and progress lies in stepping beyond our comfort zones and embracing diversity in perspectives, thoughts, and experiences. And to truly ignite growth and foster a culture and mindset for exploration it is imperative to break free from familiarity and embrace the unknown. Especially when you are hiring for the first few times.

Instead of solely focusing on personal affinities we should always their skills, experiences, but, most importantly we should focus on their potential. Why?

By welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, organizations give their teams fresh insights and novel approaches.

Hiring outside the comfort zone isn’t just about broadening perspectives; it’s also a strategic move with long-term cost-effectiveness. Unlike hiring seasoned pros who might be set in their ways, newbies with untapped potential are more open to trying out new stuff. They are more agile, more open to change and they will bring a flexibility that can spark innovation without all the old-school rules weighing things down.

Through my extensive + 20-year career, I’ve seen firsthand how giving these candidates a chance can pay off big time. With the right support and opportunities they not only thrive but often end up leading the pack.

I fondly remember one colleague who before joining my team used to be a cashier at a supermarket and with self-admitted “courage” applied to the call center job I was hiring for in order to “change something in her life”.

She was very surprised when she got the job and focused extensively on understanding and performing her job very well. Also, she was interested in understanding how to contribute to the team and became one of my favorite people to work with and while it took time, she is now a senior manager in a completly new region managing her own team. And we had the chance to work together in two different companies.

And every once in a while I get a message in which she is grateful for the opportunity.

What she doesn’t know is that she is the one who get herself there. Nobody else.

So, instead of just going with the flow, it’s time to shake things up. Look beyond your usual circle and consider candidates based on what they bring to the table.

And here’s the kicker: hiring outside your comfort zone isn’t just good for team dynamics, it’s also smart for the bottom line because this approach not only fosters a culture of exploration and adaptability but it’s also a strategic move with long-term cost-effectiveness.

In a nutshell, playing it safe might feel comfy, but true growth happens when you’re willing to step into the unknown. For you as well as you will also grow as a leader by being subjected to different situations, different perspectives and different outcomes.

By taking a chance on fresh faces and new ideas, you’ll set your team – and your business – up for success in the long run.

#Leadership #Entrepreneurship #HiringStrategies #GrowthHacks #theACEmethod #MonaBardos

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