Business Trainer I Coach I Consultant & Creator of the ACE©️ Business Growth Method

The red car theory

If I were to ask you how many red cars you saw on the road today would you be able to give me a number? Most likely not.

What about if I were to offer you 100 euro per car? You will most likely will be extra focused on that and even allot time just for this activity, correct? This is known as the Red Car Theory and it suggests that once we buy a red car, our minds become tuned to that red car and we start to notice red cars everywhere. The same goes for our goals: the clearer they are, the more likely we are to notice opportunities that lead us toward their achievement.

This is a very easy way of seeing how our focus and mindset change depending on how we prioritise certain tasks and activities in our lives many times depending on outcome. And we will explore this as a technique to make decisions in a future article, for now let’s focus on how realising on the importance of our perspective and focus decide succes or failure.

As a leader and an entrepreneur the main focus is to recognize opportunities. But if we are not tuned into them we will soon complain and say that none presented themselves before us and blame any and all external things from people in the same situation having better results as they had “luck” on their side, other businesses flourishing more we will say they have help we didn’t and so on.

So, how does The Red Car Theory work in the context of personal and professional goals? Let’s take a simple example: committing to develop new skills in a specific field, let’s say becoming a better sales person.

Once we set this goal, we’ll begin to notice resources, courses, books and people who can help us acquire that skill.

Goal setting provides us with a clear framework and direction, activating a mental filter that makes us more aware of the resources and opportunities that can bring us closer to achieving our goals.

How to apply the red car theory in everyday life:

  1. Set clear and specific goals: Whether they are related to your career, personal development, or another area, well-defined goals are key.
  2. Periodically review your goals: As we evolve, our goals may undergo changes. Regularly review them to ensure they remain relevant.
  3. Be open: Once you’ve set your goals, be receptive to opportunities and resources that can help you achieve them.

By setting goals and maintaining an open attitude, we can transform this theory into an essential part of how we approach life and career.

Share your thoughts! How does goal setting help you notice and seize opportunities in your life?

#Goals #theACEmethod #PersonalDevelopment #Leadership


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